Generator & Motor Accident Investigation
The reasons Forensic Services are appointed to generator and motor accident losses are as follows.
- Determining the cause of failure.
- Prevention of further losses.
- Determining the extent of damage.
- Advising whether repair is feasible.
Most heavy electrical equipment is manufactured in continents outside the region and manufacturers are wary of carrying out local repair. We can advise whether these fears are reasonable. In many cases the unnecessary transport back to the manufacturer can greatly extend the loss, both in terms of cost of repair and loss of production.
Compared to other major electrical equipment, the demise of motors and generators can be difficult to predict. Accordingly failures tend to be catastrophic.
Failure mechanisms that are specific to generators are
- Overspeed
- Improper synchronisation
- Loose wedging
- Motoring as a result of switchgear mal-operation
- Electrical imbalance
The following causes apply to both generator and motors.
- Insulation breakdown
- Vibration
- Buildup of dirt resulting in temperature rise
Even when generator maintenance is sound, the overspeed of drivers (turbines/diesel engines) will be damaging.