Hot work is a constant cause of fires in Asia. Many companies have no hot work permit system and even when they do, they pay only lip service to the requirements. Maintenance requiring hot work is commonly given to contractors who are allowed to work out of hours unsupervised. The following photographs show fires caused by hot work. Some resulted in litigation and our investigations results were accepted by courts of law.
Fire at a sports pavilion in Hong Kong. The fire broke out during renovation.
Welder pointing to where he was welding at a window, just prior to the fire breaking out inside. The welder was working alone. There was no fire watcher on the inside.
Fire at a sports pavilion in Hong Kong. The fire broke out during renovation.
Welder pointing to where he was welding at a window, just prior to the fire breaking out inside. The welder was working alone. There was no fire watcher on the inside.
A wooden cooling tower in the palm oil industry, destroyed by fire after oxy-acetylene cutting of a steel pipe that ran across the top of the structure. The water flow had been turned off and over the years the wood had collected a residue from palm oil contamination.
A wooden cooling tower in the palm oil industry, destroyed by fire after oxy-acetylene cutting of a steel pipe that ran across the top of the structure. The water flow had been turned off and over the years the wood had collected a residue from palm oil contamination.
A tower at a palm oil refinery. An explosion occurred when a contractor performed welding on the steel shell.
A tower at a palm oil refinery. An explosion occurred when a contractor performed welding on the steel shell.
The location where the contractor removed insulation and welded onto the steel shell. The tower remained in operation during the welding.
The location where the contractor removed insulation and welded onto the steel shell. The tower remained in operation during the welding.
Factory destroyed by fire as a result of welding at a boundary between the factory and the adjoining lot. The welding was of reinforcing steel being inserted into a brick wall being built on the boundary.
Rattan furniture factory destroyed by fire when contractor carried out welding at weekend. The contractor was unsupervised and working on the outside. Goods on the inside had not been removed from where the welding was being done.
Rattan furniture factory destroyed by fire when contractor carried out welding at weekend. The contractor was unsupervised and working on the outside. Goods on the inside had not been removed from where the welding was being done.
A ladder, a welding set and oxy- acetylene equipment left behind by contractor after the inside of the factory caught on fire.
A ladder, a welding set and oxy- acetylene equipment left behind by contractor after the inside of the factory caught on fire.
Examination of fire scenes can reveal evidence of welding equipment left behind. Fires can develop so quickly that the welders have no time to collect their equipment, or fires occur during a break.
Examination of fire scenes can reveal evidence of welding equipment left behind. Fires can develop so quickly that the welders have no time to collect their equipment, or fires occur during a break.
Street scene in Manila, with hot work sparks falling onto pavement. No attempt by the constructors to protect pedestrians who might work on the pavement.
Street scene in Manila, with hot work sparks falling onto pavement. No attempt by the constructors to protect pedestrians who might work on the pavement.
Sparks falling from a ship in dry dock in Singapore. Oxy-acetylene cutting being performed from inside the hull. No fire watcher on the outside or any barricade to protect workers on the outside.
Sparks falling from a ship in dry dock in Singapore. Oxy-acetylene cutting being performed from inside the hull. No fire watcher on the outside or any barricade to protect workers on the outside.
Most probable last weld performed on a steel structure being built along a boundary between two lot in East Malaysia. A fire started in one of the lots and most of a tyre retreading business was destroyed.